Ontario Health is subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). FIPPA provides the public with a right to access information we hold, with limited exemptions. It protects the privacy of individuals whose personal information we hold, and provides them with a right to access their own personal information.
Making a Freedom of Information Request
Freedom of Information requests must be made in writing. Please include enough detail to allow our staff to find the information, along with the $5.00 application fee (by cheque or money order payable to 'Minister of Finance').
Send your completed form and cheque to:
Freedom of Information LeadOntario Health
500 – 525 University Avenue
Toronto, ON
M5G 2L3
Send requests for additional information by email to: foi@ontariohealth.ca
*Inquiries submitted to Ontario Health by email may not be secure. Please do not include personal health information including health card numbers in your correspondence.
Ontario Health may charge you additional fees to process your request such as photocopying costs, shipping costs, and costs associated with replying to the request. You will receive a decision letter outlining our response to your request. You will be informed of your right to appeal the decision to the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario.
To file an appeal or for more information on the appeal procedures, contact:
Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario2 Bloor Street East, Suite 1400
Toronto, ON
M4W 1A8
Phone: 416-326-3333 or 1-800-387-0073
TDD/TTY: 416-325-7539
Fax: 416-325-9195
Email: info@ipc.on.ca
Website: www.ipc.on.ca
Note: Access requests for medical information found in the Electronic Health Record should follow the EHR access request guidelines. More information on EHR access requests can be found here: https://www.ehealthontario.on.ca/en/ehr/accessing-your-ehr