Every year, more than one million people in Ontario experience a mental health or addictions challenge requiring care. Often supports are difficult to find where and when they are needed.
The Mental Health and Addictions Centre of Excellence will support the province in building a comprehensive and connected mental health and addictions system.
It will play a critical role in overseeing the delivery and quality of mental health and addictions services and supports, including system management, supporting quality improvement, disseminating evidence, and setting service expectations.
Plus, it has been established within Ontario Health to have access to expertise and capacity from provincial programs such as Cancer Care Ontario, Quality (formerly Health Quality Ontario) and the Ontario Renal Network, while building on partnerships with mental health and addictions experts and organizations across the province.
On March 3, 2020, the Government of Ontario announced the Roadmap to Wellness: A Plan to Build Ontario’s Mental Health and Additions System. The Mental Health and Addictions Centre of Excellence will serve as the foundation for the plan, and will work with people with lived experience and professionals – those who work with children, youth, and adults in all care settings, including community and specialized services to guide its implementation.
There’s been so much good work that has been done to date. A core priority will be to bring all this work together in a more systematic way so that high quality mental health and addictions services are available to Ontarians who need them, when they need them, and regardless of where in the province they live.